Ringgröße messen, Ring Sizer, Papierstreifen, Schnur
From the very beginning, it was always a personal concern for him and his family to design long-lasting and trendy jewelry for everyday life. The majority of the jewelry is therefore waterproof and does not rub off even when showering.

Do you want to buy yourself or maybe even your girlfriend a new ring? Then there are many questions that you should ask yourself in advance. Which color of jewelry suits me? Many people ask themselves this question when buying jewelry, especially rings.

But, before diving into color options, there is one fundamental consideration that is of great importance: determining the correct ring size. 

Because only a ring that fits perfectly can develop its full effect and offer the desired look and wearing comfort. Find out here how you can determine your ring size using very simple steps. 

The most important thing in brief:

  • A ring that is too tight can be uncomfortable, while a ring that is too loose can be easily lost.
  • A well-fitting ring should fit over the knuckle, be easy to turn and not leave any unpleasant pressure marks.
  • When measuring ring size, it is important to measure the finger circumference at different times of the day and use the average value.

Find your new favorite ring at DIAMOND MODE: 

Why is it so important to determine the ring size?

Determining the correct ring size is important to ensure that the ring fits comfortably and fits well. A ring that is too tight can be uncomfortable, while a ring that is too loose can be easily lost

In addition, the correct ring size also has a optical aspect. A ring that is too large may wobble on the finger, which can be uncomfortable and affect the overall appearance of the piece of jewelry. A ring that is too tight can look unflattering and constrict the finger.

How should a ring fit?

A ring should fit comfortably without restricting the finger's freedom of movement. There are some general indicators of how a ring should fit:

  • The ring should fit over the knuckle but not be too loose to prevent accidental removal.
  • A well-fitting ring should be easy to turn, but not have too much play. It should not be too tight so as not to impair blood circulation in the finger.
  • The ring should not leave any unpleasant pressure marks or cut into it.
  • When stacking rings, they should complement each other well and be arranged harmoniously on the finger.

Ringe in richtiger Größe kaufen

How do I find out my ring size?

There are different methodsn to find out your own ring size. Of course, the easiest and most accurate way is to go to a jeweler or buy a special ring sizer . But you can also easily determine your ring size at home using other methods without any aids

Here we would like to introduce you to some simple ways to determine your ring size yourself in no time:

Measure ring size with a ring

To measure your ring size, you can use an existing ring that already fits well. The following method can be used:

  1. Lay the ring flat on a flat surface. Measure the diameter of the ring with a flexible tape measure. Record the measurement in millimeters.
  2. Use a ring size chart or an online ring size calculator to determine the appropriate ring size based on the measured diameter.

Measure the ring size using the ring template

Another method is to use a ring template :

  1. Search on the Internet for a ring template to print out. There are various templates and stencils to choose from that are available for free. 

  2. Print the ring template on a piece of paper. Make sure you print at the correct scale so the sizes are correct.

  3. Place an existing ring that fits well onto the printed ring template

  4. Find the circle on the ring template that best matches the inner diameter of your existing ring. 

  5. Check the associated ring size associated with the selected circle in the template.

Ringgröße zuhause messen

Measure ring size using an app

There are also Apps that can help you determine your ring size:

  1. Search for ring size apps in the App Store or Google Play Store and download a trusted app.
  2. Start the app and follow the instructions to measure your ring size. This can usually be done by placing an existing ring on the screen or measuring your finger.
  3. After you have followed the app's instructions, the corresponding ring size will be displayed to you. 

Measuring ring size without a ring: This is how it works

If you don't have a ring to use as a reference, there is still a method to find out your ring size - String or paper method:

  1. Take a thin piece of string or paper and wrap it around the finger you want to wear the ring on.
  2. Mark a point where the string or paper overlaps.
  3. Remove the string or paper and measure the length between the end and the marked spot.
  4. Use a ring size chart or an online ring size calculator to determine the appropriate ring size based on the measured length.

What is important when measuring?

When measuring the ring size there are some important aspects to consider in order to achieve an accurate result:

When to measure? Fingers thinner in the morning and in cold weather

Over the course of the day, the thickness of your fingers can vary slightly. In the early hours of the day or in colder weather, the fingers are usually less swollen and the fingers are therefore slightly thinner. 

For this reason, it is advisable to use these times to measure your ring size. However, it can also make sense to measure several times throughout the day and form an average.

Richtige Ringgröße ermitteln

Where to measure? Where on the finger is the measurement taken?

To determine the exact point where you should measure the circumference of your finger, you can bend your finger slightly. The measurement should be taken directly above the ankle.

It is important to take the measurement at this point because the circumference of the finger is largest in this area. By measuring at the widest point, you can ensure that the ring slides comfortably over the knuckle and is still snug enough to stay in place.

How to measure? Practical example with 5 measurements of the finger circumference

To determine the exact ring size, it is recommended to measure the finger circumference at different times of the day. By measuring your finger circumference at different times throughout the day, you get an average value that is more accurate and takes possible fluctuations into account.

Ideally, you should measure the finger circumference in the morning after waking up, at noon, afternoon, evening and before going to bed . Write down the circumference of your finger for each of these 5 measurements.

By adding the values and dividing by the number of measurements, you get the average value. This average value provides a better estimate of the actual finger circumference and helps you choose the correct ring size.

Ringgröße Durchschnittswert errechnen - Formel

How can I secretly find out my girlfriend's ring size?

If you want to secretly find out your girlfriend's ring size, there are various options:

  • If she already wears rings, you can secretly borrow one of her rings for a short time and measure it.
  • Ask friends and family for help. Maybe friends or family members have a ring that they know will fit your girlfriend, or they might have more detailed information about the ring size.
  • The average ring size for women in Germany is between size 48 and 56. 54 is the most frequently purchased. Estimate your girlfriend's ring size and, if in doubt, buy a size larger. 

Can you have a ring that is too big made smaller?

Yes, in most cases it is possible to have a too large ring made smaller. Ring reduction usually involves removing a part of the ring to adjust the size. However, the feasibility and effort of downsizing depends on various factors, such as 

  • the material of the ring,
  • the design
  • and the decorations. 

It is advisable to consult an experienced jeweller to discuss the options and risks of ring reduction.

Find your new favorite ring at DIAMOND MODE: 


Measuring the correct ring size is important for a comfortable fit and attractive appearance of the ring. There are different methods for determining ring size, such as measuring with a ring template or an app and measuring with a string. It is also advisable to measure your finger circumference at different times of the day to get an average value.

In order to enjoy your ring as much as possible, you should determine your ring size as accurately as possible. This way you can ensure that your rings fit perfectly and, if you want, you can combine your rings optimally.


Are there ways to make a ring bigger?

Yes. Depending on the material, decoration and shape, an experienced jeweler can enlarge your ring slightly by adding material. Choose a professional to do this to ensure that the changes are carried out professionally and without damaging the ring.

What role does the width of the ring play when selecting the ring size?

The width of the ring plays an important role in choosing the ring size. Wider rings usually require a slightly larger ring size than narrower rings because they cover more finger surface area. Therefore, it is advisable to consider a slightly larger ring size when purchasing a wide ring.

How often should you have your ring size checked?

There is no set time limit for checking ring size. For example, if you gain or lose weight or are pregnant, the ring size can change and should then be measured again. 

You can read more about wearing and combining jewelry here: